* 2022 官方公告流程
【Online Assessments】
-- UBS Cultural Appraiser
-- Cognitive Assessments: Numerical and verbal reasoning
-- Coding Challenge: For roles in Technology
【Video Interview】
【Final Assessment Day】
Graduate Talent Programme (中國)面試資訊
* 參考年份:2022
* 錄取者背景:
* 面試流程:
【Online Tests】會換題庫,部門有所不同組合
-- Numerical
> 12題excel計算(TalentQ)
> 35題,15分鐘給你7張圖表問 Ture / False / Cannot say(題庫mapTQ)
* 錄取者背景:
* 面試流程:
【Online Tests】會換題庫,部門有所不同組合
-- Numerical
> 12題excel計算(TalentQ)
> 35題,15分鐘給你7張圖表問 Ture / False / Cannot say(題庫mapTQ)
-- Logical:沒有題數,做越多越好,總共6分鐘,左邊給兩個圖案,從右邊4個圖中找出和左邊兩個規律相同的(題庫mapTQ)
-- Cultural Appraiser:共15題,不計時(TalentQ)
【Video Interview】7-8題,一分鐘準備,兩分鐘答題。
【Phone Interview】依部門不同可能增加此關,詢問簡歷問題。
【Assessment Center】依部門有1-3場分開但連續的面試
-- Case study:M&A相關,45分鐘準備,10分鐘報告,5分鐘QA。
-- Competency:Behavior相關
-- Commercial:Industry technical相關
【Video interview】
* Two metrics to assess a company. (IBD)
* Recent merger that will pay dividend. (IBD)
* What expeiences outside academic studies you gained that might help you to succeed in your chosen bussiness area. (AM)
* Describe a current/ recent event and its impact on stock market? (AM)
* What do you understand about the role you're apllied? (GTP-Group Corporate Services)
* Desrible a situtaion where you start off thinking that your approach was the best, but needed to alter the course of action during implementation(GTP-Group Corporate Services)
* Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something you never have done before. How did you react? What did you learn? (GTP-Group Corporate Services)
#瑞銀面試 #個案分析 #技術面試工具箱
【Video Interview】7-8題,一分鐘準備,兩分鐘答題。
【Phone Interview】依部門不同可能增加此關,詢問簡歷問題。
【Assessment Center】依部門有1-3場分開但連續的面試
-- Case study:M&A相關,45分鐘準備,10分鐘報告,5分鐘QA。
-- Competency:Behavior相關
-- Commercial:Industry technical相關
【Video interview】
* Two metrics to assess a company. (IBD)
* Recent merger that will pay dividend. (IBD)
* What expeiences outside academic studies you gained that might help you to succeed in your chosen bussiness area. (AM)
* Describe a current/ recent event and its impact on stock market? (AM)
* What do you understand about the role you're apllied? (GTP-Group Corporate Services)
* Desrible a situtaion where you start off thinking that your approach was the best, but needed to alter the course of action during implementation(GTP-Group Corporate Services)
* Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something you never have done before. How did you react? What did you learn? (GTP-Group Corporate Services)
#瑞銀面試 #個案分析 #技術面試工具箱